Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Max Money To Be New Chief Blogging Admiral Of The National See-Your-Underpants Agency (NSA)?

       Tuesday,  6 November 2013, EAST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY - Well Bloggers will you look at those numbers? About a hundred of you came out of the hall closet today to take a peek at your purscription (that is a blogging magazine that comes with pills in it HA! HA!) and see how much money I was making. Turns out you were not the only ones either. Now that I am a person of "interest" I was followed home by all these drones, fighter jets that kept crashing when the pilots passed out from no oxygen (they all safely parachuted into the Walmart outdoor greenhouse and  lawn furniture section, no worries) and some kids from the neighborhood middle school that is the only one still open I do not know where they bought those RPGS. Probably the flea market down the road.
       Anyhoo you can see that this blogging is becoming a major interest of national security I think on account  of if you look at enough of them you can learn  how to do just about anything except maybe read and write. What I want to know is, though, why is the  head of the place an "Admiral"? Are they not the ones that drive them big boats like that Valdez Supertanker with that drunk Admiral  Hazelwood? You know if I were going to spend a few billion dollars on one of those rigs especially with a full tank of gas, I must say I believe I would skip the drunk and pay some other guy (or gal) maybe a couple bucks more an hour and say, "Look here  buddy, maybe a couple of tall boys, but none of the hard stuff before the sun comes up       at dawn."
       Personally I think that now that Exxon changed its name so it looks like some weird other company with two swastikas in the middle of its name, and they have made such a fuss for about a quarter of a century that they have been to the United States Supreme Court about a dozen times so they figure those Justices will all  die off or just forget either who Exxon is or who they are before Exxon ever even has to cough up the one billion bucks. Which by then anyway on account of Ted "Hair" Cruz, Speaker Boneher and all them  "Tea Party" sign carriers I do not even think they know whether they won or lost nor where they are supposed to   show up whatever they did because I doubt anyone wants to get close enough to them to tell  them where their office is, on account also of they have already said that they believe our Government should do NO WORK. So that means Alaska and everyone else is going to want "No Dollars!" thank you very much.
       Oh brother, give me an honest blogger any day, you know what I say. . . .Well until next time I will see  you in the funny papers, and you watch out for those drone-driving teenagers who still only have their permit. (HA HA - joke!). Hey so an Admiral runs the NSA when he is trying not to get tossed in the slammer by    mumbling when he really is off on a doozy making up new words lying to Congress while drinking big bottles of cough syrup (except of course Dianne Feinstein because she is from San Francisco, so she naturally smiles at his uniform on account of she LIKES to be watched).
       So anyway if an Admiral watches our daughters get ready for high school in the bathroom, let us just take a wild guess who run the CIA while he made kissy-kissy on his top-secret e-mail while she wrote a book about it you can buy over there at the dollar store, talked the dirty talk right over there at you-know-where got the big sick bird head on the front hall floor, well man I please would like to know who run that TSA because no offense but THEY got some real head cases. You always make it onto the plane praying "Thank you God for letting me live through that one." You know it only could be I will bet you (now that this is a Google-approved gambling site) that it must be some real elderly astronaut from before they even had planes.

Copyright 2013  maxmoney All World Rights Expressly Reserved

Do not forget to read my four other blogs, I did!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Next Thing I Knew Another Month Went By, So I Rushed To The Post Office And They Said "Max" This Bird Will Not Fly

       Monday, 5 November 2013 - You know my Good Ole' Mom now that I am too large for her slap in the face when she is walking past me in the house unless I am bent over working at something then she can  just give me a boot in the face, what she likes to say is "Maxwell, it is really such a shame if you were just completely different you might not be such a total failure".
       Does cash make you blogging laggards think of anything just by the way. Like sending a certain
       Maxwell is not my name I am Max Money. She tells me she is nice to me compared to her mother. Oh brother. I will tell you what that is not saying very much. I only met her Ma once because she does not like children. At all. I try always to remember to be grateful whether I am blogging or I have to do my chores cleaning out the, oh never mind, and especially that she was not my Ma. I am sure I would be doing lifetime without parole like that old  "Johnny Cash" listenin' to them lonesome train whistles goin' by down to San Antone.
someone a dollar. Ring a bell? Like you just been clobbered good and you are lying on the mat in the ring trying not to let the lights do the spins. Like "Ding" you lose. Well I just would like to say because I am sure everyone is wondering  how Yours Truly did down there at the post office. It is about almost a half hour walk now that they shut down the other three that were closer and the library, too. Shoot I better take me another walk and just make sure they did not close the fire station when they closed the hospital next door and the school down the street.
       Least we still got Bingo! and now best of all blogging, too. Anyway the story about the money is not so bad thank you very much those of you believe in me and in our blogging but have no money. That is okay. At first I was rather down when I went to General Delivery but then Mel my friend the clerk told me I did not have any one dollar bills when they had the dogs chew apart the mail out back for drugs, but I also did not have any bills like the kind you are supposed to pay.
       Well where are they I asked because it was unlikely that all twnety-five or thirty of them come every couple weeks, and next thing what do you know you have not got a single one, almost anyway. But Mel he told me they had to send them "Retrurn to Sender" new postal regulation that I have to pay for "General Delivery" service now. You know it is part of this "Forever" thing. Like the Post Office. Yeah right well at least enough money to pay our mail lady until "forever" next payday. So now I am without a p.o. box.
       Anyway as usual I guess it is like my Mom said to me."Who is going to pay you a dollar when you have not even kept up with that one blug asking for a dollar? Why do you just go and pick the one you are not even working on?" I knew. Because she must have told me a thousand times since I could remember. "Maxwell thing about you that just make me cry myself to sleep at night is you WANT to fail." All I could say is what I always did. "Well least I succeeded at what I wanted."
       Do not let this get you down, bloggers, you must learn to take the bad with the good. Now if you are still on board you just keep on blogging along with me. You may want to throw in the towel some day, but I am telling you every single one of you has as much to say as me. Maybe it just does take me a little longer, not such a good thing unless they pay by the word, though. And as my Grandpa used to say before my Grandma accidentally killed him with a skillet, "This too shall pass".                                   "

Copyright 2013 Martin P. All World Rights Expressly Reserved